Academic IELTS Task 1 – Table with Band 9 Sample Answer


The table below gives information on visitor statistics for 1996,1998 and 2000 for 1996,1998 and 2000 for various World Heritage sites in Australia.

ielts writing task 1 table


The table compares the number of visits to five different World Heritage sites in Australia in three years 1996, 1998 and 2000.

Overall, the visitor numbers to Central Eastern Rainforest Reserve and Macquarie Island experienced a slight fall while an upward trend was seen in the figures for the other sites during the given period. It is readily apparent that Great Barrier Reef was the top tourist attraction whose popularity increased dramatically, in contrast to the smallest yet declining number recorded for Macquarie Island.

1,670,000 visits were made to Great Barrier Reef in 1996. This figure then doubled to reach 3,200,000 visitors in 2000. Undergoing a similar upward trend but at lower rates,the number of travelers to Blue Mountains and Tasmania Wilderness experienced a gradual rise from 526.000 to 581.000 and from 450,000 to 483,000 in order. Shark Bay attracted 84,000 visitors. In 1996, whose figure increased significantly to 102,000 tourists, followed by a drop of 13,000 in 2000.

By contrast, Central Eastern Rainforest Reserve welcomed 20,000 visits fewer every two years from 810,000 to 770,000 between 1996 and 2000. This site was still one of the top two attractions while Macquarie Island remained the least preferred World Heritage site in Australia with an average of 330 visits every year.

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