Hotel Management


The raw materials used to make glassware are silica and soda ash. Lead is added to make the glass crystal clear. When purchasing glassware, it should be ensured that it is completely transparent, free of air bubbles and not chipped. Glasses are measured in terms of capacity like ounces or centiliters. Restaurant glassware is usually plain except in specialty restaurants, where they may be colored.


Examples of Glassware


Some tips while handling glassware are

  • Glasses should be stored inverted in single rows, with a paper on the shelf to avoid slippage.
  • Racks with individual compartments for each glass is a better method for storage and transported. These racks are plastic or rubber lined.
  • In a restaurant, glasses must be transported on trays with a tray cloth to avoid slippage.
  • All glasses should be held at the base.
  • Stem glasses should be inverted and held by the base of the stem.
  • A clean dry cloth should be used.
  • Immerse the glass in hot water and then wipe.
  • As the bottom of the glass often gets white strains due to chlorination, lemon or vinegar has to be applied to remove the strain.
  • Service glasses must be cleaned and held against a light before use for traces of smudges etc.

Parts of Glass

Holding Glassware

Types of Glassware

Glassware                      Holding Capacity                  Serving Capacity

Water Goblet                               10 oz.                                      08 oz.

Red wine Glass                           07 oz.                                      05 oz.

White Wine Glass                        5.5 oz.                                     04 oz.

Champagne Tulip                        08 oz.                                      06 oz.

Champagne Flute                        08 oz.                                      06 oz.

Sherry Glass                               3 oz.                                        02 oz.

Brandy Snifter/Balloon                08/09 oz.                                 30ml/60ml

Beer Goblet                                 14 oz.                                      12 oz.

Parfait Glass                                05 oz.                                      04 oz.

Cocktail Glass                             04 oz.                                      03 oz.

Champagne Saucer                    06 oz.                                      04 oz.

Rolly Polly                                   11 oz.                                      09 oz.

Liqueur Glass                              03 oz.                                      02 oz.

Old Fashioned Glass                   11 oz.                                      09 oz.

Pool Glass                                   14 oz.                                      12 oz.

Tom Collin                                   14 oz.                                      12 oz.

Hi-Ball Glass                                10 oz.                                      08 oz.

Juice Glass/Pony Tumbler          06 oz.                                      05 oz.

On the Rock Glass                      11 oz.                                      09 oz.

Decanter (Small)                         150ml.

Decanter (Medium)                     300ml.

Decanter (Large)                         500ml.


Beer Mug

Tumblers, from left to right; Jigger or Shot glass, Old-fashioned or Rock glass, Highball, Collins, Cooler, Zombie, Pilsner.

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