Hotel Management

Espagnole Sauce (Brown Sauce)

Brown sauce is made from brown roux and brown stock or glaze of stock. It is one of the most widely used basic mother sauces. Demi glaze is a derivative of brown stock and it is widely used for the preparation of other brown sauce derivatives.


Preparation Methods Ingredients Quantity Method of Preparation
1 Fat 100 G -          Melt the butter in a thick bottomed sauce pan.
2 Flour 100 g -          Add the Mirepoix to the fat, and cook till brown.
3 Tomato Puree 50 g -          Add the refined flour, cook out slowly to a brown color stirring frequently.
4 Brown stock 1.5 L -          Add tomato puree and stir.
5 Bacon Trimmings 30 g -          Gradually mix in the boiling stock and bouquet garnie, stir and bring to the boil.
6 Mirepoix As Required -          Add red wine and correct the seasonings.
7 Bouquet Garnie As Required -          Simmer gently for 2-3 hours, skim when necessary and strain through chinois.
  Red Wine 60 Ml  
8 Seasonings    

Chasseur sauce, demi glaze





Chasseur sauce: Chopped shallots, Mushroom, tomato concasse and red wine.

Demi-Glaze: - Mixture of brown stock and brown reduced to glaze.

Veloute sauce (Blond Sauce) (Prev Lesson)
(Next Lesson) Hollandaise Sauce (Yellow Sauce)
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