The Systems Analysis is the process of totally understanding the current systems by collecting the facts, diagnosing the problems, and using the facts to improve the current system. Systems Analysis is done by the Systems Analyst.
A System Analyst is the person who is responsible for the analysis, design and implementation of the business system to the computer. A system analyst can be described as the person who will solve the business problem using compute technology so we need someone who is good at problem solving, who knows about business operation and who has a strong background in relevant areas of computer science.
Qualities (Skills / Knowledge) of System Analysts:
Expertise in system analysis and design comes with experience and time. However, there are some essential qualities that a Systems Analysts should possess, they are:
1. Communication Skills:
The analysts must be a good communicator. The analyst is the medium through which communication should flow smoothly. He or she must be able to gain information requirements from users and to communicate well with programmers.
2. Problem Solving Skills:
Systems are developed to solve problem. The analyst is a problem solver. He or she views the analysis of problem as a challenge. An analyst must have wide experience in solving problems. The steps of solving problems:
1. Define the problem
2. Analyze problem
3. Consider alternatives for removing the cause
4. Evaluate these alternatives and try to know their benefits and disadvantages.
5. choose the best alternatives.
3. Technical Knowledge:
The analyst needs enough computer experience to program and understand the capabilities of the computers. Analyst must be familiar with the capabilities and administration of hardware and software products.
4. Business Knowledge: The analyst should be capable of handling the situation through skilful application of tools and techniques. It is important for an analyst to completely understand the business environment for which the system is being developed. They must be familiar with existing business operations so that they can decide if a computer can do the better job.
Duties and Responsibilities of System Analysts:
The duty of the system analyst is to co-ordinate the efforts of all groups to effectively develop and operate computer based information systems. The major duties and responsibilities of a system analyst are as follows;
a. Defining User’s Requirements:
This particular duty is the most difficult and analyst will have to use several fact-finding techniques like interview, questionnaire, observation and automation.
b. Prioritizing requirements by agreement:
By conducting common meeting and arriving at a agreement or consensus, analyst can prioritize the requirements.
c. Analysis and Evaluation:
On the basis of facts and opinions, system analyst finds the best characteristics of the new or modified system which will meet the user’s stated information needs.
d. Solving problems:
System analyst is basically a problem solver. He must study the problem in depth and suggest alternate solutions to management.
e. Drawing up functional specifications:
The main duty of the analyst is to obtain the functional specifications of the system to be designed and specification must be non-technical so that users and managers can understand.
f. Designing system:
One of the major duties of the analyst is to design the system and it must be understandable to the system implementer.
g. Evaluating System:
It is analyst critical duty to evaluate a system after it has been in operation for certain period of time.
Role of a System Analyst
Success of every system development depends on the role of system analyst. The major roles of system analyst are:
1. Plan and develop new system or devise ways to apply existing system resources to additional operations.
2. Keep constant track of the system and constant interaction with management, middle level manager and working level personnel to achieve the logical and accurate perspective of the system.
3. Use techniques like structured analysis, data modelling, information engineering, mathematical model building, sampling and cost accounting to plan the system.
4. Specify the inputs to be accessed by the system, design the processing steps, and format the output to meet the users need.
5. Prepare the cost benefit and return on investment analysis to help the management decide whether implementing the propose system will be financially feasible.
6. Co-ordinate tests and observes initial use of the system to ensure that it performs as planned.
7. Prepare specification, work diagrams and structure charts for computer programmers to follow and then work with them to ‘debug’ or eliminate errors from the system.
8. Diagnose problems, recommend solutions and determine if the program requirements have been met.
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