There are different types of Information Systems. They are:
a. Data Processing Systems (DPS)
A DPS process transactions and produce reports. DPS represents the automation of basic, routine processing to support operations. Typical examples of DPS are payroll, inventory, financial accounting etc.
b. Management Information Systems (MIS):
MIS can be defined as information system for providing information to support operations, management, and decision-making. MIS utilize computer, procedures, analysis, planning, control, decision-making, and a database. Users of MIS, normally, use a shared database.
c. Decision Support Systems (DSS):
DSS supports decision makers by providing information on demand. DSS tends to be used in planning, analysing alternatives and search for solutions. DSS is similar to MIS, in that, they both depend on a database as a source of data. DSS differs from MIS in that it emphasises the support of decision making in all of its phases. Though, the actual decision is still in the hands of the decision maker.
d. Expert Systems (ES):
Expert Systems capture the expertise of decision makers in solving problems. ES automates the decision-making process in a specific area, such as medical diagnoses or review of credit history for loan approvals.
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