-Gerald Manley Hopkins
The poem god’s Grandeur is written by british poet G.H.Hopkins. In this sonett he glowrifies the greatness of god. The god is omnipotent, god is omniscient and god is omnipresent. According to him people couldn’t acknowledge the aforementioned quality of god , due to the influence of materialism . The desertification of nature has been seen in the day to day activities modern human beings. They became like desert because of lack of spiritvality . The poet wants to correct it.
According to the poet, the world is filled with the greatness of the God.The power of god shines loke shook foil (gold) and the influence of the god upon the world us as continuous as ooze of oil. Human beings cannot acknowledge the greatness of god due to their involvement in commercial activities . People are more guided by personal profit as a result they only focus on their labour and commercial or economy success. When people become more material, they have not any placed for spiritualism. Modern human beings can not understand and realize the greatness of god. They are like desert like that , in seset the poet again praises the greatness of the god through the evidences.According to him , modern human beings try to disfigured the nature through their different activities but the freshness in nature remain as it is because of god . The spring season comes after winter and day comes after night because of power of god . But the so called modern people are not ready to accept it due to their towering desire for commercial profit. They lack spiritualism as a result they become like desert . Finally the poet clearify that the god gives shelter to the world as the god gives shelter to its young.
In this way G.M Hopkins glorifies the greatness of god and criticizes the tendency of modern human beings.
- QN) What is the central idea of the poem?
This poem is written by British poet G.M Hopkins in this sonnet he glorifies the greatness of go in this world blending accurate observation with lofty imagination The god is omnipotent,omniscient,omnipresent.
The poet Hopkins denounces the greedy nature of men. He is against industrialization and materialistic thinking of the ‘Victorian Age’ . The poem highlights the god’s magnificent creation of nature. Although man is greedy , mean destructive and wasteful he may still hope to be saved by god who broods over the immense universe. The god loves us perpetually providing the facilities of the world.
The idea Hopkins wants to convey is of devotion to the god we should be thankful to his abundant creation.
Summarize the last six lines in a sentence.
Due to the Holy Ghost’s brood the nature is never spent and diminished but freshness is still there deep down the things.
- What is the central idea of the poem?
The poet Hopkins denounces the greedy nature of men. He is against industrialization and materialistic thinking of the ‘Victorian Age’ (1832-1903). The poem highlights the God’s magnificent creation of nature. Although man is greedy, mean, destructive and wasteful he may still hope to be saved by God who broods over the immense universe. The idea Hopkins wants to convey is of devotion to the God. We should be thankful to his abundant creation.
- How the glory of God is praised in the poem “God’s Grandeur”?
The poet G. M. Hopkins has praised the glory of God in this sonnet. He has also blended his lofty imagination to highlight the presence of God. The gist of his sonnet is based on the fact that the god is omnipotent, omnipresence and omniscient.
He says that he created the men and women and comforted them with all the amenities they need. But they smeared the earth with dirt and litter and forgotten the glory of God. They hardly thank God for the every facility they are enjoying in this world.
Though people are careless towards the God’s gifts, he never snatches our his facility. The nature is all the same from the beginning and it will be the same till the humans existence remain in this world.
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