- By Ilene Kantrov
- Lydia E. Pinkham
- Helena Rubinstein and Elizabeth Arden
- Margaret Rudhin
- Junnie Grosinger
- crestrude maller
- Annie Turnbo-malone
This essay is about some successful business women of America. The writer goes on to tell about business women who followed Lydia E. Pinkham food step
- They are not only successful business women but they have done many things to educate people and their community.
- They got popularity through their advertisement.
- The first business women Lydia E. Pinkham published her kind face in the newspaper. She produced a medicine called Lydia E. Pinkham vegetable compounds. Her advertisement claim that the medicine gives relief from the falling of womb and all female weakness. She suggest all the female to consult with her female daughter.
- Although in the beginning part of her business life she was guided by service motive at the lateral part she was guided by profit motive.
- Helena Rubinstein and Elizabeth Arden were ribels. They completed not only in selling cosmetic but also in loving publicity by their marriage to European aristocrats.
- Margaret Rudkin was a farmer of Pepperidge farm Inc. She began to sale healthy food in the market that she first used to help of sick son.
- Junie Grossinger got success in the field of hotel.she ran a resort hotel in New work which was famous for its food and entertainment.
- Ctertrude muller invented today seat in 1924. She also wrote the booklet about child rising.
- Turnbo Malone A black female capitalist Annio Turnbo Malone was famous in the field of business through her p. oro college. In this college she used to teach about hair dressing etc. Through this school she also helps to uplift the social position of Negro women.
- Business women in America tried to help women as well as make money by selling different things. They used the medium of newspaper to be famous.
This essay was composed by Ilene Kantrov, who was born in 1950. She has had a busy career as a teacher, writer and editor. This essay presents the activities of some business women who are from the USA. The essay deals with the development of Women’s business in American society. It suggests how the women devoted themselves in business and become successful.
The women worked not only as business women, but also as social workers. They tried to uplift women's positions in the society. They did various things to make people better educated and to solve women's problems. Although they did various things for people and women, their interest in making money was more important than their interest in improving the society. Some successful women are: Lydia E Pinkham, Helena Rubinstein, Elizabeth Arden, Margaret Rudkin, Jennie Grossinger, Gertrude Muller and Annie Turnbo Malone. Many of the women used advertisement. This was not correct.
Lydia E Pinkham is the prominent woman in this essay. Her kind face was appeared on the pages of papers, which advertised the medicine that can cure the women's diseases. She invented a medicine called Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. She not only advertised the product to sell it more, but also did social work. She supported women's rights, temperance and economic reform. She motivated women to consult female doctors and advised them on diet, exercise, health and her medicine. She printed the report to help women to correct physical problems, nervousness, infertility, hysteria and even marital conflict. She brought changes in women's activities and business in the USA. Her activities were followed by other business women to introduce the feminine role in the world of masculine commerce.
Helena and Elizabeth competed each other. They sold make-up goods and also married to wealthy and famous men in Europe. Similarly, Margaret Rudkin made and sold the healthy food. She first used it to help her sick son. Grossinger ran a successful hotel which was famous for food and entertainment. Gertrude Muller invented a lot of child care products and sold them to help people to look after their babies. Annie Turnbo Malone, a black woman, sold a chemical which makes hair look nice. She developed a new marketing skill and a network of sales agents to increase the sales. She also established a school to train people how to use her products. She was hopeful that this school would uplift the black people and women. It was found that many of the businesswomen used their profits in good work, for instance. The women like Annie, Helene and Jennie contributed to hospital, school and cultural organizations.
Although these women have the aim of serving people and selling products, they gave more priority to profit than to altruism. Their advertising claims were not expressed genuinely and they were found misleading, so later they were controlled by the government. For example, Helena was forced by the FAD (food and drug administration) to withdraw some of the medicinal claims which she made for her products.
- What is the main idea of the essay “Women’s Business”?
In “Women’s Business”, Ilene Kantrov paints a portrait of Lydia E. Pinkham, then goes on to tell about other business women who followed in Lydia’s footsteps. In their pursuit of success, these female entrepreneurs were not always, it seems, ladies first. They did their business with much vigor and zeal. They also got success and established themselves as tycoons. Many other women followed the the foot steps of Pinkham and changed the society. Their business were mainly related with women; the fifty percent of the market share.
- How did the business women differ from their male counterpart?
The business women differ from their male counterparts in many ways. First, the woman combined money making activities with social service. They do not only sell their product but also give suggestions to their customers. In order to promote their business they take advantage of being women. They also emphasize their role as mothers and grandmothers. Again, women’s business grows out of their traditional skills. They serve mainly woman. Most of the women use their profits for good works. They are not engaged in every kind of business. But women did not support feminism. Many business women were as clever as business men. Like men, they know clever tricks of making profits. Business women were summoned to appear before the law courts like the businessmen. They would put profit ahead of altruism like male businessmen.
- Give an example of a contemporary woman who has succeeded in business.
Sarita is a famous business woman of our age. When she was divorced by her husband she decided to establish a business. She bought a sewing machine and began to make garments for different purposes. Her business flourished and she has now become one of the richest persons in the town. She lives in a massive building with many attendants and servants. Her husband came with a proposal of re-marriage but she flatly refused him.
She has decided to open a centre for helpless women in society. And helpless woman from any corner of the city will be given full support at that centre. They will be trained and taught to be self-dependent in society. She has brought a revolution in business by using the profits for a noble cause.
- Write an essay on “Position of Women in Nepal”.
- Write an essay on “Equality of Women in Nepal”.
Women must get equal rights with men. This has been recognized by law almost in every country. In Nepal also similar laws have been made. But in practice they have not realized it. Education is fast spreading in Nepal. Women are bcoming more and more conscious.
There is a saying in English “If you do not allow a woman to be a lioness, she will become a fox”. This is true of all women in all countries. Equal treatment must be given to women in all societies. The religious books say that women should be wordhipped.
The general concept of woman has undergone a great change in the major cities. But it is still existing the remote ares of Nepal. Many cases punishments and separation of women are heard in the print and on radio. So, the conditionof women in the remote area is still the same. Many families still send their sons to school and daughters to work. But there are some NGOs and INGOs working hand to hand with the government to uplift the pitiable condition of women. Women are equally powerfull as men. Women can do whatever the men can do. So, there should not be any discrimination.
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