A Story

-Dylan Thomas


            The story ‘ A story’ is written by Dylan Thomas through a prospective of a boy the writer pons up the thinking activities of grown ups. In the story the writer cousin is the narrator who humourously pesents the activities of drunkards. The group of drunkards commit for a thing which has not been fulfilled. He also shows the unkind and uncivilized nature of grown ups.

The narrator is living with his uncle Dylan Thomas and his uncle’s wife Sarah. According to the boy his uncle is giant man who makes noise while breathing. But Dylan’s wife is presented as women of small body structure and the lover of peace. They have unusual body structure. Although his uncle is noisy and his aunt is quiet, they used to love each other deeply. In every Saturday when they have quarrel the narrator uncle puts his wife in to a chair which makes her easy to bit on the head of her husband by the use of china doll. Although Dyna Thomas loves for outing and public relationship, his wife hates the frequent outing of her husband. So, during the time of narrator uncle trips visiter maternal house. The same thing happens on this year Dylan Thomas is achair person of this group of outing Mr. Benjamin Franklyn gets the responsibilities to collect money from the interested candidates. When he begins to collect money Mr. Will Sentry and some others members begin to follow him. They donot have any trust upon Franklyn. On the specified date the 30 members of this outing leave their village although other members denied to carry the narrator with them. The chair person get success to carry him with the grown ups. AS a result he gets success to observe the wild activities of grown ups. The narrator is an outsides of that trip as the outside he criticizes the activities of drunkards. Although they have decided to visit Porth Cawl, they never reached there. On the way to Porthcawl , when they reach to Mountain sheep they stop there. They have collected money for a charabanc and 20 cases of beer. When they reached infront of pub they had forget their commitment to reach Porthcrawl. They have highly welcome by aowner of that pub. The narrator uncle tells him to look at the bus until they remained inside the pub. With in 45 minutes, they made the pub dry due to their excessive drinking, their face were already red and difficult to recognize. While they are returningfrom the pub, they have perform their uncivilized nature. No none is ready to except others. Old O. jones says come out and fight ultimately they returned to their Charabanc when they see the open pub. Inside the bus some of them sing the hymn and some of them make, unnecessary noise. At last, their Charabanc has been stopped at the bank of the reader which place becomes more enjoyable and beautiful than porthcrawl. In this way without reaching their destination the grown up returned to their village. Throughout the story the narrator criticizes the relation of his uncle and aunt as well as the activities of grown up.

  Though, the narrator says it is not a proper story rather it is a Jumble of various people but I think it is a good story. A story has plot, characters, narrator, setting, atmosphere etc. . The story has good beginning where narrator tells about characters, their relation, their plan and in the middle, he tells about their journey and at the end they could not reach the place of their goal and returned. This story satirizes to the people who make plan but never complete. In this sense, this is a proper story.

  1. Write is the central idea of the story “A Story”.

“A Story” is written by Dylan Thomas. The world has been presented from a child’s point of view. The narrator is recounting the story of his uncle and aunt. One Sunday morning the boy’s uncle and his friends decided to go to Porthcawl fo ran outing. But his aunt opposed it. She threatened to go to her mother’s house. When they were getting ready she had already left the house. Without caring for her, his uncle started the journey with his friends. The boy stopped outside an inn. All the passengers drank heavily and began to shout. They went on and stopped near a river. The moonlight had made the spot more beautiful. They sat in a circle, drank wine and never reached Porthcawl.

  1. How were the boy’s uncle and aunt?
  2. How does the boy, the narrator, look at his uncle and aunt?
  3. Describe the relation between Thomas (the boys’s uncle) and his wife?

They were completely different from each other. The boy’s uncle was a man of big belly like a buffalo. He was red hairy and wore waist coat. But his aunty was lean and thin. She would move without any noise or whisper in the home like a cat. She would clean the china dog and do the household chores. She frequently disappeared after doing her works.

The boy’s uncle would litter the cloth while eating. He would leave the bones and remenants on his meadow like belly. Every Saturday at half-past ten he would lift her up, under his arm, onto a chair, in the kitchen so that she could hit him on the head with the china dog. So, the boys’ uncle and aunt were completely different personality though they were living together.

The relation between his uncle and his wife was good. They both loved each other being some differences between them. Uncle’s wife told him not to go to outing but he was convinced to go. She went to her mother’s home just to compensate his outing. Though she went without any notice she had left a note for him. It said that she had places some eggs in the pantry. She also suggested him to remove his shoes before going to bed.

  1. The plan was to go to Porthcawl for the outing. Did they ever reach there? Why?

Definitely, the original destination for the outing to reach to Porthcawl. But they didn’t reach there.

Firstly, they started their journe lately. Secondly, they left Old O Jones so they had to come back to take him. Thirdly, they started to drink in every public house they met on the way. They danced, cried and enjoyed in the pub and became tipsy. Finally they couldn’t reach their desired destination and returned. They swam in the river and discussed with wayfarers. They returned home lately.

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