Hurried Trip to Avoid a Bad Star

- M. Lilla and C. Bishop Berry


            American geographers, M. Lilla and C. Bishop Berry have made an exploration of Karnali Zone. They got Karnali Zone is economically linked with lowland region Nepalganj in south. The people of Karnali carry baskets filled with medical herbs, hashish, hand knit sweaters and blankets and go to Nepalganj to sell them. People collect Silajit and take it with them to sell there. Then they would buy cotton clothes, sweets, aluminum, ironware spice and jewelry. Some of them buy equipments to make liquor in Jumla for their livelihood.

            The essay ‘Hurried Trip to Avoid a Bad Star’ is written by two American geographer LILLA. M. and C. Bishop . Barry. The essay presents and exploration research of the research of the karnali zone which the author did on foot for fifteen adventurous month, The authors indicate the economic connection of Karnali zone with Nepalgunj. They also talk about the process of deforestation which was prevalent in karnali zone as well as terai region during 1970.

According to them the lifestyle of karnali people was too difficult which was mainly based on agriculture. Their agriculture can not sustain them for 12 months for their existence and livelihood they have to involve in other professions although their was harmony of karnali people with nature, it has been disturbed by the process of deforestation. Karnali is linked economically with the low land regions to the south from their home lands they carry medical herbs, blankets, hasbish, hand-knit sweater, they all the goods in the market of Nepalgung. They carry iron wear, aluminium weare, spice, cotton clothes, jewellery as wellas distillery equipment. They can sell these things in their local market.While the geographers were at hurry they incounter a chhetri women. This women told them to bring her message up to her husband if he had at their village. This shows the ignorance of karnali people. On the way the geographers incounter a group of people who were busy in processing silajit. It is a types of herbswhich is used to clean inside and outside problems of human body. ACCORDING TO THEM, THEY HAD TO BEGIN THEIR journey during the favourable time. The saying of the karnali  zones makes a clear that thay have believe on superstition. When the geographers reached to the south of Nepal they heard the sound of chopping down trees all most of the sal trees were leaf less. On the winter land area they have encountered the situation of deforestation. In that part of country, People unknowinally involve in the process of deforestation. AS a result there was crisis between the relationshipof nature and human beings. But in the terai region of Nepal people participate in the process of deforestation knowingly.

In this way either the people of higherland or lowland they participate in the process of deforestation day by day the hills as wellas plane area of Nepal become free from tree knowingly and unknowingly we also participate in the process of deforestation which leads adverse effect in the association (whole ecosystem).

Q)Write a paragraph to show how karnali is linked economically with the lowland regions to the lowland regions to the south.

The essay Hurried Trip to Avoid a bad star is written by American LILLA. M and C. Bishap Barry presence an exploration research of the karnali zone which the authors did not foot for fifteen adventurous months. The author indicates the economic connection of karnali zone with Nepalgunj. They also talk about the process of deforestation which was prevalent in the karnali zone. The author deals about how karnali is linked economically with the lowland regions to the lowland regions to the south.

According to the author the karnali people lifestyle was too difficult which was based on the agriculture. There was harmony among people. In this part time, karnali collect medical herbs, make hand-knit sweater and blankets and sell in the lowland region of south. They also carry the other daily requirement and trade in the local market.

This shows that there is trade connection between the karnali regions.

  1. Give a short account of the life of the people of Karnali.
  2. Give a short account of the life of the people of Karnali as you find in “Hurried Trip to avoid a Bad Star”.

Karnali zone is located at the farthest boarder of Nepal. Because of its location the contry hasn’t paid equal attention to the people around there. People are uneducated and live an agrarian life. They have very few means of production. They are totally based on nature.

The bare trees show the exploitation of nature. It shows that they have been cutting the trees. They are destroying the environment. Deforestation will cause floods. It will cause landslides. It will cause soil erosion. Karnali zone is linked with the lowland. Karnali people carry baskets full of herbs. They sell many things in Nepalganj. They buy cotton cloth, spice, jewelry, ironware and so on. The Americans have reached there for some study and field research. They unveiled the bitter reality of the Karnali people. Their way of life, social life and economic life have been detailed well in this essay.

  1. How is Karnali linked economically with the low land regions to the south, Nepalganj?

Karnali people are economically linked with with Nepalganj which is the only place where they do their business. Nepalganj is a business hub of trade and transport for the Karnali people.

Karnali people have very few produce with them which comes from nature. They process ‘silajit’, knit blankets, collect hashish and sell them in Nepalganj market. Selling those items they buy sweets, cotton cloth, ironware, spices, jewelry of gold and silver and so on. Many people also go to Nepalganj for short-term or long-term jobs and return home with some amenities they need to ease their life.

This article was first published in 1971. Karnali might have changed a lot but still they are economically dependant on Nepaliganj and nebouring country India. People are heard and seen to be returning from Nepalganj or India during the festive time. The news is seen on print, on paper and online.

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