Traveling Through the Dark

- William Stafford


            The poem in title ‘Travelling through dark’ is written by American poet William Stafford. In this poem we can get the issue of imbalance in ecology as well as the consciousness of modern human being. The title Travelling through dark has double meaning etymologically the speaker is travelling during the dark time. The next meaning of the title shows the irony of modern humans activities. Human beings invent new technology and vechiles to make their life easier. There is only one target to enrich the life of human beings but the inventions and technologies of modern science either destroy the natural order or they help to destroy the wild species. When one animal or insect remains absent from the ecosystem it creates crisis in the whole ecosystem. In the name of light and modernity we human beings are traveling through the dark. The future of human beings is not bright to address the aformention ideas the poet might have drafted the poem in title travelling through the dark. The speaker the poem is travelling during the night time. While he was going through the Wilson river road he found a dear on the edge of the road. In the first stanza the speaker thought that it was quiet batter to push the dead animal in to the ditch . As a result it will not call for further accidents. In the second stanza the speaker stopped his car and walked near to the dead deer then only he found that it was a dead doe. The doe was pregnant. In the third stanza when the speaker touched to the belly of dead doe he was quite shocked although the mother had already been killed thefawn of the fawn of the doe was waiting for life. But it is impossible. As a result the speaker couldn’t decide whether to push the doe in to the ditch or to leaves the doe as it was.At first, the speaker was guided by sentiment rather than the reasons.But at last the speaker is more guided by reason and decided to throw the dead doe on to ditch. In the poem the non-living thing, car has ahown the activities like the living thing.The car willing to go ahead and its engine is hot till the time. In country to it the living being doe is like non living thing.

Thus, the poet at first remains in confusion who is ultimately over powered by reason. Indirectly the poet suggest us that the absence of wild animal will create crisis in the whole ecosystem in the days to come. The crisis of whole ecosystem will also cause the crisis in human existence.

  1. What is the central idea of the poem “Travelling Through the Dark”? (2057)

In the poem “Travelling Through the Dark”, the poet, Willliam Stafford presents the conflict between sense of responsibility and emotion. It is also ironical in for the environmentalists. It presents how dangerous it is to drive in the dark and in narrow roads. It may cause serious damage to the nature and the animal kingdom. So, the poet wants to tell the dangers of driving in the dark and even if there is an accident like that we should try to save the animals if possible.

  1. Do you agree with what the narrator did? Why? (2063)

I do agree with the narrator. It is because when he saw the dead deer he stopped and investigated instead running over the deer. He touched and found it a doe with a fawn inside it. He tried his best to find a solution to safe the fawn which lay there never to be born. He could have saved it had there been any animal hospital near by. After analyzing these options he dragged it and pushed it into the Wilson River thiking not to cause more accidents in that narrow road.

  1. Write an essay on “Travelling in the dark through the dense forest”. (2068)

Driving is really an interesting work. It gives us pleasure and satisfaction. It becomes more exciting when we drive in the hilly area. The fun of driving depends on the size of the road and the scenery along it. If it is a forest it also gives a different pleasure. But there is also a danger of intruding small animals like, monkey, deer, fox and beer. 

Driving in the dark is also interesting. We drive our vehicle with the help of lights. The powerful lights of the vehicle help us to see the things clearly. Driving in the dark is interesting equally dangerous. It gives us pleasure but it is highly dangerous. Especially one should be cautious on the bends of the roads. Similarly, the bigger animals may intrude on the roads at the night’s time.  Because of the open roads and the less traffic the vehicles run faster in the night’s time. Consequently, the chance of accident increases. The higher the speed the bigger the accident it becomes.

Thus, driving in the dark is interesting on the one hand and risky on the other. Speed thrills but kills as well. So, one should be highly sensitive while driving in the dark especially in the forests. One should not drink and consume narcotics while driving. And one should not indulge in the scenery along the road while driving it also diverts our mind and causes accidents. Protecting wildlife is also our duty and responsibility.

  1. Write an essay on ‘Driving in the dark’.

Driving through the dark is an exciting and thrilling experience. The pleasure of driving depends on the time of traveling and the condition of the road. During the dark night on the open highway, the driving is funny. If we drive uphill on the mountainous road, we should be careful particularly at the turning point.  In the dark there is no risk of domestic animals being run over.

Driving in the dark is exciting and adventurous, but it is equally dangerous. It is not without the danger of accident. We must not forget - the higher the speed, the greater the danger of being hit by something.  There is a fear of colliding. If the driver is self-conscious and not drunk, the driving in the dark gives an exciting pleasure. But it is not always so. Excessive fun and excitement may lead to death and destruction.

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